Shane got me so many presents for Christmas, far more than I ever imagined, and I felt so guilty for only getting him a piece of paper (a voucher for a free driving lesson, and I thought that was a good idea at the time lol) AND losing his Christmas card (yes I'm the shittiest wife EVER!)
When I finally got to this gift, I couldn't stop crying, a mixture of guilt on my part, and happiness that I married such a sweetie!
I think Shane's got me some Lucky Charms or something for Christmas. And I know you may be thinking that's jewlery, but I actually mean the cereal, and yes that makes me happier right now than if it was actual jewelled charms
I've had a ridiculous craving for them! But you can only get them in REALLY pricey American food stores, it's like £8 per box (a standard fairly small sized box!), which is roughtly $15!!! Yes, can you imagine paying $15 for cereal?!?! CRAZY!
The reason I'm thinking he's done this, is because I just looked in his art desk thing, and he has a linen bag thing in there from Majika's Kitchen, which is the name of the store!
BUT!! Silly, but caring man... It's a pregnancy craving! I don't want them for Christmas, I want them NOW!!!!! lol
I had one hour's sleep last night, I'm a tired wreck today. And at around noon today Draven looked ready for a nap - YEAY!!!
So I got his pillow etc and laid him down. 20 minutes later all is still quiet, so I go check on him before I go to lay down myself, and he's awake but dopey, but as soon as he sees me he's standing up and ready to get out! SHIT!
I tried to take him to bed, but no he wanted to jump on it "boinga boinga boinga!"
I REALLY hope he doesn't pick today to stop taking naps!! I'm hoping he'll go down very soon!!!
Santa came down our street on Thursday on his sleigh, with Christmas music playing really loud, it was so cool. He's done that around here since I was a kid, I remember running outside with my sisters & brother to see him hand out sweets
It's very dark but here you can just about make out the number plate - SANTA lol
Today waiting to see the man himself! He was such a good boy!! He was reluctant to sit on his lap and wouldn't quite look at the camera, but when Santa gave him a gift Draven said "Thank you Santa!" Awww my heart melted, he's such a good boy! Then when we walked out of the grotto, he was waving saying "bye bye Santa!" I literally feel my heart warm up when he's so cute like that!
I had to take a photo of a photo here, they wouldn't let me take my own picture!!!
For the 1st time ever, Draven sat like a good little boy and had his hair cut! Every other time it's been a nightmare! Of course my mum took him this time while I went to get my blood taken, so it's typical I missed the ONE time he was good while getting his hair cut!
This is him just woken up about 5 minutes ago from his nap So excuse the bed hair lol But check out the length!!
The baby's shifted to laying across my belly now, facing downwards - away from any ultrasound equipment!!!
We had the same routine of "go get a coffee with 5 sugars in it!" lol. So we went over the cafe in the park over the road because baby was sleeping and wasn't moving.
When we came back he was in the same position but had just started to move some. The technitian had me doing bloody squats in her ultrasound room to get the baby to move!! lol
We got a DVD of the scan which is fantastic! And many pictures, but none were that great, here's the best I could get:
I just asked Draven to tell me the alphabet, so I'm pointing to A... B... C... etc and he gets to G and says C, then he says G, then he says "no, not C, it's G!" so I'm like ok clever boy! Then he carries on to Z haha he's so funny! I love the way he wouldn't carry on until he realised his mistake and made it clear that it's G not C